Link to State of North Dakota


Affidavit of Compliance with Licensing Requirements 660-05-20-10

(Revised 5/1/19 ML 3549)

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Adult Foster Care that is provided on Federal Reservations such as an Indian Reservation or Military base may be approved, if requests for such approvals are made by the appropriate authority (i.e., Military Base Commander or Tribal Council) to the Department and all the licensing standards of the Department have been met.


SFN 915, “Adult Foster Care Home Affidavit of Standard of Compliance in Lieu of License,” is completed for the reservation or military base home and must be approved by the Division. An affidavit may be denied, revoked, or correction orders issued, should the Division become aware of noncompliance with established standards.


Representatives of the Department of Human Services and County Social Service Agency do not have the authority to conduct licensing studies on Indian Reservations or Military Bases unless it is requested. Persons that are enrolled Tribal members are subject to the jurisdiction of the Tribe and non-enrolled persons are subject to the laws and Administrative rules of the state of North Dakota. In order for an enrolled Tribal member to be licensed by the Department, the enrolled person would need to request permission from the Tribal Council to submit to civil jurisdiction for the specific purpose of becoming licensed for Adult Foster Care by the Department. Persons residing on a Military Base are also subject to the laws and rules of the Federal Government and must seek permission to submit to civil jurisdiction for the purpose of becoming licensed for Adult Foster Care.












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